• 88 minutes    相關企業商業資訊
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      電話:02-26488867    地址:新北市汐止區忠孝東路295號3樓
    2. 四季田幼兒園

      Four Seasons Academy is an excellent work force providing great opportunities of professional growth in this career. The school is surrounded by the Nature and located in an upscale community. It is just 10 minutes away from Hsin-Chu Science Park.

      電話:03-5830955    地址:新竹縣竹東鎮學府東路337號
    3. 88lens美瞳商城

      88lens美瞳商城是台灣最專業的隱形眼鏡商城 .

      電話:    地址: , 台北市 Taiwan
    4. 義式88杯麵

      電話:048385968    地址:彰化縣員林鎮和平街16之13號
    5. aboku88

      電話:0422238711    地址:台中市西區第五市場1之3號

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